FL Studio is a game development studio focused on creating casual games in the Web3 space. We leverage decentralized technologies like blockchain and smart contracts to create innovative game mechanics and monetization models. Our games are designed to be accessible and engaging for a broad audience, with simple yet addictive gameplay and social features.


Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is the next evolution of the internet. Contrairement au Web2, qui s'appuie sur des serveurs centralisés contrôlés par des géants de la technologie, le Web3 repose sur des technologies décentralisées telles que la blockchain et les réseaux peer-to-peer. This means that users have more control over their data, and there is less reliance on centralized authorities.
Web 3 is an internet owned by users and builders orchestrated with their own tokens - Chris Dixon
Franck Rosenstein
Franck Rosenstein

Co founder of the project, is specialized in online marketing. He founded in 1999 the Web Agency OpenAxe. En 2001, il crée une plateforme d'affiliation dédiée aux sites de rencontres et acquiert une solide expérience dans ce domaine. In 2006, the platform counted several thousands of affiliates. In late 2007, he sold the agency to a European listed company, joined the direction board and managed a team of 20 people.

Being passionate about crypto, he has been involved in several projects in the Web3 and teamed up with Laurent Hayoun to create FL Studio.

Laurent Hayoun
Laurent Hayoun

Co founder of the project, is specialized in blockchain technology, open-source solutions and have a deep understanding of database management. CEO of H2LSOFT, a french software development company that has been creating software solutions for 15 years. During this time, he worked with major clients such as Leclerc, Dukan, and ARSEP. His technical expertise includes proficiency in programming languages such as Php, Python, ReactJS and Solidity.

"Web 3 is a logical evolution of video games for the future."



110 rue de Fontenay
94300 Vincennes
Phone : +33 971 00 63 73
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